What's happening

All the latest news for you and your Scouts

Scouts Light Painting

Long-exposure, time-exposure, or slow-shutter photography involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements. Resources

AGM 24

It’s that time of year when we need to hold our AGM. Invites will be going out , if you are attending and your son/daughter has any earned any badges…

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For JOTA/JOTI this year we joined forces with the 2nd Caldicot Scout Group, 1st Magor Scout Group, and Relentless ESU, and will be based at the Caldicot Scout Hall for…

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Scouts Session – 22/01/24

In this evenings scout session we split the group in half one completing an escaape room and the other making a start on the digital maker staged activity badge

First Scouts session of 2024

In this evenings Scout session we Stated things of with a group fourm discussing what activities the scouts want to do this year and discussed as a team (both scouts…

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We’re back!

Cubs return Thursday 11th Scouts return Monday 15th Beavers return Wednesday 17th